WP Campaign Sales Poll
A WordPress Plugin For Running Campaign Based Sales
BPW Polling Plugin
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
1. Installation
- Go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin on your WordPress site.
- Upload the plugin file you got from Blue Pig Web plugin store
- Click Install Now and Activate.
2. Get Started
- Go to BPW Polls > Settings
- Fill in Settings field to complete installation:
- Enter your License key
- Set Login page url
- Set Registration Page url
- Setup your User’s page:
- Registration page
- Login page
- Accoung page
*Check here to see useful shortcodes
3. Stripe Configuration
- Go to BPW Polls > Settings > most bottom part of settings page
- Enter your API Credentials
Stripe API Keys:
- Head to the API keys section of your Stripe Account. (see Stripe Documentation)
Stripe Test Mode
Test Mode allows you to process transactions and simulate different payment responses using Stripe.com Test Cards. Toggle the Enable Test Mode checkbox and ensure the test API Keys are listed. Stripe has documentation on obtaining your test API keys in their documentation. After that, use your store as a customer, adding the test card details at the Checkout. Test Mode can also be used with express checkouts by adding a Test card to your browser for Microsoft Pay. Using Apple Pay/ Google Pay when the Stripe setting for Test Mode is checked will allow you to process a payment without charging your saved Apple Pay/ Google Pay payment method.
BPW Poll Items
1. How to add/edit poll item
- Go to BPW Polls > Poll Items > Add or Choose Poll item to manage.
- Complete required field:
- Poll item title
- Poll item description
- Featured Image
- You can also add video url in Poll item video field, that will show in poll item card.
2. Deleting poll item
- Go to BPW Polls > Poll Items > Choose Poll item to manage.
- Click Move to trash.
*Note: becareful on deleting poll items, Running polls that has deleted item, will invalidate user’s vote from that deleted item.
BPW Polls
1. How to add/edit polls
- Go to BPW Polls > Add or Choose Poll to manage.
- Complete required field:
- Poll title
- Poll description
- Poll Items
- Poll Deadline
- # of votes to end poll
- Poll fee (you can set it to 0)
- Click Save button
- After successfully saving, a new box will show named BPW Poll Scores.
- Inside BPW Poll Scores box copy the shortcode and paste it to any page you want to embed the Poll.
2. Deleting poll item
- Go to BPW Polls > Choose Poll to manage.
- Click Move to trash.
*Note: becareful on deleting polls, Running polls that’s been deleted will invalidate users’ votes.
3. Monitor Poll Status/Scores/Votes
- Go to BPW Polls > Choose Poll to manage.
- You can check the scores & status from BPW Poll Scores box
You can also check user votes & winners by going to:
BPW Polls > User Votes
Woocommerce Integration
BPW Polling plugin automatically integrates with Woocommerce. If you have woocommerce installed in your WordPress site, You can select products inside Polls to be used as a price for the Poll Winner. Woocommerce Order will be automatically created and processed once the poll is finished
1. How to add Woocommerce products to poll
- Go to BPW Polls > Add or Choose Poll to manage.
- New field will show named: Attach Woocommerce product
- Search and choose the product you want to attach to the poll as the price for the poll winner
Usable Shortcodes
Poll Shortcode
[[bpwpoll id=”123″]]Copy & paste this shortcode to show poll.
id – ID of the poll
Registration Shortcode
Login Shortcode
Account Shortcode
Frequetly Asked Questions
Poll doesn't automatically end
Our plugin relies on your site visit to run automated processes.
- To manually close an expired poll, click update and will automatically detect the poll’s end date.
*The plugin will not accept votes even if the expired poll is not yet closed. - To allow automatic closing of poll please enable CRON, here’s how
Where can I get my Stripe API Keys?
Head to the API keys section of your Stripe Account. (see Stripe Documentation)
Woocommerce Orders
If you choose to add Woocommerce products as a price for the Poll winner, Woocommerce order will automatically be created and processed for Poll winners.
Request a Feature?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.